Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) used to assess carcass composition and nutrient retention in Rabbits
To show that bioelectrical impedance method is an accurate non-invasive method to determine growing rabbits’ carcass composition.
To show that bioelectrical impedance method is an accurate non-invasive method to determine growing rabbits’ carcass composition.
Fish Analyzer were used to make easy measurements of liver steatosis (fatty liver) without pathological diagnosis may help improve donor surgery efficiency and increase the chances of organ donations. We analyzed the correlations between bioelectrical impedance (BI) in human livers, liver fat content, and pathological findings.
Fish freshness assessment was carried out on each fish by the above panelists. With the use of a Torrymeter, the freshness value was determined. The fish was examined to evaluate for the sensory attributes of appearance, smell, eye quality, skin quality, gills odor, gills color, and the flesh firmness by quality assurance staff. The fish was stored with ice flakes and inside the chiller and the measurements and the evaluation was carried out daily until the fish was no longer edible.
Fish Fat Meter used to study and to evaluate an acoustic mobile tracking device for monitoring the migration and fate of adult Pacific Lampreys. Also to evaluate the JSATS technology for monitoring adult Pacific Lamprey movements in the Cascades Island fishway entrance.
Fish Fat Meter was used to Investigate the impact of dietary carbohydrate on the metabolism and tissue lipid composition of these two trout lines when fed vegetable oil based diets containing low levels of n-3 LC-PUFA.
This research is to evaluate fish freshness and degradation of fish by comparing chemicals used in gas chambers and various other methods such as the Fish Freshness Meter (Torrymeter)
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) proved to have stong linear relationships between independent laboratory results.
This study aimed to evaluate the freshness of ice stored rainbow trout by bioelectrcal impedance measurements. Rigor mortis, ATP-related (adenosine triphosphate) components, K-value, and hardness of rainbow trout muscle during storage were monitored along with impedance.
This research evaluated the Fish Fat Meter, a handheld microwave energy meter as a means of estimating whole-body energy concentrations in Adult Pacific Salmon.
This study evaluated the relationship between fish freshness from various species using the Fish Freshness Meter (Torrymeter) and compare it with Red Green Blue (RGB) color indices.